Leitz Sustainability Achievements & Goals
Whilst preparing our new sustainability vision and goals for 2025, we of course took into consideration what our stakeholders believe to be the most important aspects for our company’s sustainability strategy and goals. This ranges from our shareholders, for whom it is very clear that working towards climate change mitigation and supply chain responsibility are a necessity for success in the coming years, to our management, customers and consumers. Looking at all the information we have and feedback we received, we could clearly see three core areas of focus for us moving forward.
Our Sustainable Development Key Targets for 2025

Reducing our Operational Environmental Impact
We will drive down our use of electricity, fuel and our waste production and deepen our understanding of our indirect emisions with a long term vision of achieving net zero emissions.
- Zero emissions from electricity (scope 2) used at our manufacturing and distribution sites
- 15% reduction in electricity consumption

Reducing our Product Environmental Impact
We are committed to better understanding the emissions caused by our products and packaging and driving down those emissions as far as possible in preparation for net zero emissions.
- A more sustainable choice in every key category we operate in (A more sustainable choice is a product with notable improvements compared to standard products in points listed in the ACCO Brands Product Philosophy)
- A minimum of 500 products containing a minimum of 30% recycled plastic (from 50 today)

Working Relationships & Social Commitment
We are a diverse and committed workforce where everyone works towards the achievement of our sustainability goals. We aim to have a cooperative and principled working relationship with all of our stakeholders.
- We aim for 25% of our total EMEA management group being women by 2025 (from 20%)
- We will coach and involve all employees to help us achieve our sustainability goals
Our Achievements so far
Reducing our Carbon Footprint
Our overall CO2 emissions per tonne produced dropped clearly again compared to the pre-pandemic results in 2019. This shows that our factories continue to run more and more efficiently and the energy saving projects implemented thus far are taking effect.

Our Sustainable Foundations
Working in a lean way is the foundation of all our sustainability efforts. Reducing waste in all areas and keeping processes simple and short, help with many of our objectives. Our ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications provide the framework and tools to help achieve this.
Please note that all figures and initiatives on this page are reported for the whole ACCO Brands EMEA organisation and not the Leitz brand only.