Tips against neck pain in the office & home office

Work Should Not Hurt

Simply pain-free. Feel good with Leitz Ergo.

Many people who spend a large part of the day sitting in front of a computer or laptop are familiar with the problem: neck tension and the resulting headaches. A large proportion of these complaints can be attributed to poor sitting posture and unfavourable office equipment. For example, if the screen is not set to the correct height, the cervical spine is curved, which can lead to tension in the neck and headaches.

The good news for you? There is a solution. With Leitz Ergo products, you can ergonomically adapt your workspace to your individual requirements. This improves your posture and reduces headaches and other complaints associated with prolonged sitting.

Discover our ergonomic solutions to help you get through the working day pain-free again. Simply pain-free: Feel good with Leitz Ergo

Our product recommendations for headaches in the office

IGR Certified Products
IGR Certified Products

Working with Ergonomic Specialists

The German Institut für Gesundheit und Ergonomie GmbH, otherwise known as “IGR” or The Institute for Health and Ergonomics, supports companies, public authorities and consumers to optimise and advance workplace ergonomic standards.

Leitz and the Institute for Health and Ergonomics are working together to provide products that can help businesses with the changing demands of healthy working environments. The focus is on new ways of working in the office, on the move and from home.

The IGR only award products that satisfy its strict criteria for ergonomic usability and adaptability to meet the individual needs of users in accordance with and meet the usability and ergonomics standards set by DIN 26800 EN ISO 15537.