How Can You Avoid Wasting Paper Working Remotely?

Did you know that paper makes up the largest portion of un-recycled waste in workplaces? Let’s put this into perspective. Each year 68 million trees are cut down to produce paper. Globally, 85 million tons of paper waste is created. Unrecycled paper ends up in landfill and paper takes two to six weeks to decompose, causing toxic inks and dyes to permeate into the soil. The process of manufacturing paper comes with its own issues, polluting the air with greenhouse gasses and contributing to acid rain.
We live in time where virtually every employee has access to a computer or laptop. However, there is still a surplus of paper waste entering landfill daily. Are you working from home? Are you doing enough to reduce paper waste whilst remote? If paper has become part of your day, why not set yourself a mission to create an eco-friendly workplace? You may feel as if your home office doesn’t have a detrimental an impact on the environment. However, your effort (and that of anyone else reading this article) will help contribute to a cleaner environment.
Keep reading for ways to be more eco-friendly at home and begin your journey to paperless remote working.
Opt for recyclable or recycled products
Using recycled paper is a clear way to start your home office sustainability journey. However, there are also a number of companies offering recycled, waste-free, or biodegradable office solutions.
Leitz Recycle is a CO2 neutral collection of office stationery that is 100% recyclable and is manufactured using a high percentage of recycled materials too. So, whilst you may have no choice but to utilise paper during your working day, why not offset your carbon footprint by using organisation or storage products from the Leitz Recycle range?
The Recycle range takes the premium quality and durability Leitz customers love whilst helping to protect the environment. Leitz are dedicated to having as little impact on the environment as possible and we hope this is a journey you will join us on too!
Change how you take notes
Meeting notes, to-do lists, mind maps. Turning to pen and paper during the working day is commonplace for many. However, there are a multitude of different programmes and software available to help you reduce home office paper waste.
Evernote is one of the most popular tools and can be downloaded on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android gadgets. Cross device working, collaboration and sharing capabilities are great for staying connected with colleagues and you can attach all manner of supplementary documents to your text notes.
If you’re sceptical about veering away from your trusted notebook Microsoft OneNote is a digital jotter that allows for multi-user collaboration whilst maintaining your own level of organisation. Other popular note-taking apps include Google Keep, Dropbox Paper, Microsoft 365, Simplenote, Bear and Atom.
However, for some people writing helps them retain information and stay organised effectively. A great solution for those who need pen and paper to remain productive is the Leitz Cosy Glass Desktop Notepad. The attractive and eco-friendly tool allows you to take notes with a dry marker and wipe clean when you require. You essentially have a reusable notepad without the need for a paper alternative. If you require a larger writing space the Leitz Cosy collection also has glass whiteboards available in a variety of sizes.
For those who simply aren’t ready to move to digital, Leitz have a plethora of notebooks available to suit your specific needs. Pen and paper are convenient, and you will never be searching for a charging socket to boost the battery like you would with a tablet or laptop. Interestingly, in a study published by Psychological Science, it was revealed that students who took notes by hand typically learnt more than those who used a laptop. Considering the need to be engaged with your work, taking notes with pen and paper means you must absorb and filter the information presented, whereas many people can touch type without processing what is being said. Therefore, if you really need to focus, perhaps a Leitz notebook is the way to go.
Think before you print reports or proposals
Handing a professionally bound document to a client has a certain edge to it, making a great first impression and standing out from the crowd. Paper documents allow information to be easily digested or referred to at a later date. If you do bind a paper report or proposal, think about using good quality recycled paper and make sure you print both sides. Most importantly, think before you print. If sending a bound paper document doesn’t add any value, then send a PDF of it via email instead.
Invest in recycling bins
Even if you’re operating paperless when working from home, achieving workplace sustainability doesn’t have to stop there. Inevitably you’re going to produce some level of paper waste during the day, whether it’s the odd sticky note here or an Amazon delivery box. Working paper free entirely isn’t feasible in many roles but you could place a recycling bin in your office to help ensure whatever waste produced doesn’t end up in landfill. You could get rid of your general waste bin altogether, eliminating the possibility of any recyclable items missing out on being recycled.
You may feel a little unsure about getting rid of paper documents via a recycling bin. There’s a level of reassurance that sensitive items won’t see the light of day as people are unlikely to rummage through your waste, particularly if they have to wade through food remnants. However, it does happen, and many people have been caught out when not disposing of confidential information safely.
Whether you want to streamline your files or get rid of financial details, why not invest in an automatic shredder to ensure your documents are disposed of securely? You can simply pop your items into the shredder, close the lid, and carry on with your work. Once completed you can tip the illegible shredding into your recycling bin.
Adapting to working from home has suited some, whereas others have struggled. Don’t feel like you have to make huge changes in the amount of paper you use overnight, small alterations here and there will pay dividends in the long run. You may even find that going paperless increases your productivity. Don’t forget, Leitz can support all your home office needs, from filing and storage to organisation and wellness tools.